niedziela, 18 września 2011

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Now you can start service-oriented modeling to build a service-oriented architecture. A model of SOA for an abstract view of SOA is presented as unpartiellement the layered architecture of composite services that align with business processes. Figure 3 shows a representation of this type of architecture. The relationship between services and components that the components across the enterprise (company or coarse-grained business components) realize the where can I purchase soma 350 mg Las Vegas services and are where can I purchase soma 350 mg Las Vegas responsible for providing the functionality and maintenance of quality of service.

The flow of business processes can be supported by a choreography of these exposed services into composite applications. An integration architecture supports the routing, mediation where can I purchase soma 350 mg Las Vegas and translation services, components and flows with an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).

The services implemented should be monitored and managed by the quality of service and respect for non-functional requirements. For each of these layers, you need to make design decisions and architecture. Therefore, to help document your SOA, you can create a document consisting of sections that correspond to each layer.

Here is a template for your SOA architecture document: Now let's describe each layer in more detail and analyze the composition of each layer. This consists of existing applications for the measure, also called legacy systems, including ERP and packaged applications actualesCRM, and several object-oriented system implementations, and business intelligence applications. The laminated composite architecture of existing systems to take advantage of SOA technologies and integrate them with a service-oriented integration. This is the layer of enterprise components that are responsible for the execution of the function and the maintenance of QoS services where can I purchase soma 350 mg Las Vegas on display.

These special components are managed total assets of the company found that financed the enterprise or where can I purchase soma 350 mg Las Vegas business unit level. As enterprise-wide assets, which are responsible for compliance with the SLA by the application of where can I purchase soma 350 mg Las Vegas best practices in architecture.

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